Woltman Type Water Meter
The Woltman Type Water Meter is a type of water meter typically used to measure water flow. These meters are designed to accurately measure the volume and determine the rate of water flow in closed conduits and provide information on water usage for utility companies or large commercial applications. Woltman Water Meters are a specialized type of displacement meter, using a pair of rotating impellers to measure volume over an extended period of time.
Basics of Woltman Water Meters
Woltman Water Meters are a type of displacement meter, which means that they measure the volume of liquid passing through them by displacing the measured liquid with a known volume of fluid. Inside the meter is a pair of counter-rotating impellers. The impellers measure the amount of liquid, and then the information is transferred to a wet-dial counter.
Woltman Water Meters operate on a mathematical principle known as the "Baffie Equation" which was developed by French engineer Pierre Baffie. This equation states that the meter's flow rate is a product of the number of revolutions of the impellers and their surface area. The impellers are designed with a series of vanes that, when rotating, displace a known amount of liquid and generate a pressure pulse each time they rotate. This information is what is seen on the wet dial and is used to measure the total volume of water passing through the device.
Advantages of Woltman Water Meters
Woltman Water Meters have a number of advantages, the most noteworthy of which is the accuracy of their measurement. The extended operation time and precision of their measurement makes them extremely reliable in their operation. Other advantages include that they require minimal maintenance, have low head and pressure losses, do not require replacement as frequently as other types, and offer an electronically-readable output.
The Woltman Water Meter is also a relatively low cost meter and is used in a variety of applications ranging from residential to industrial. In addition, the meters can be installed above or below ground and in almost any orientation.
Disadvantages of Woltman Water Meters
The main disadvantage of Woltman Water Meters is that the impellers are susceptible to damage during installation which can affect the accuracy of the readings. Also, Woltman Meters cannot measure large variations in flow rates due to the fixed design of the impellers.
Another limitation is that they are not as well suited to measuring smaller flows due to their precision and the lower head and pressure losses they generate. This is why they are most commonly used in large applications and not in residential situations.
Woltman Water Meters are an accurate and reliable choice for measuring the volume and determining the rate of water flow in larger applications. They are relatively low cost, low-maintenance, and can be installed above or below ground. The main disadvantage is that the impellers can be susceptible to damage during installation, and that they may not be as well suited for measuring smaller flows.
FAQs for Woltman Type Water Meter
FAQs for Woltman Type Water Meter
What is a Woltman type water meter?
A Woltman type water meter is a type of water meter that measures the flow of water in large pipes. It is commonly used in industrial and commercial settings.
How does a Woltman type water meter work?